Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yes, no or somewhere in between

Many of you know, Diet Coke and I are long time friends.  As a matter of fact, it turned a little obsessive.  I knew I was drinking way beyond any type of "normal" limit and decided to change.  At the first of the year (yes, 2008) I totally gave up my main food source:  Diet Coke.  I went through the headaches and stuck to it.  I did not have any for about 6 weeks or so!  I kept waiting to transform:  for my skin to start glowing from all the healthy water I was drinking instead, for at least 10 lbs to drop off, to look younger, etc.  I guess I set my hopes too high.  I complained that I then knew a small sliver of what alcoholics go through.  Not a day went by that I didn't miss my old friend D.C.  Finally, I was so discouraged that I started to have just a little again.  Now, I will admit that it does cause a little bloating, which I am OK with.  Well, I guess it is worth a little bloating to me.  Otherwise I have not noticed much change either good or bad.  I know it is not health food, but it is really so horrible?  Why did I not see amazing changes?  What do you think?  I know only 4 of your read my blog, but go ahead and tell me what you think on this deep subject.  Just so you know, I only drink a little each day now and plan on keeping it small scale.


Carolyn said...

Interesting, very interesting.

I don't know if you know this about me now, but I'm a D.C. drinker too. I'm not to the point of wanting to quit yet, and you just solidified the not quitting. Thank you!

Harlene said...

I am officially confused! I only quit hoping for all the same things you hoped for. The only change I have noticed so far, is that I am sleeping MUCH better.I haven't decided if that is worth the evenings without it. I also have lost my taste for salty foods and fast food, so i guess that may be worth it. In fact, I want you all to know I support you in not quitting. Also, Jill, maybe you didn't notice some of those changes because you don't have ten pounds to lose and you already have amazing skin. Just maybe!

Jen said...


I think that if you want to drink Diet Coke then go ahead and drink it - you've certainly earned it!!!

I don't know about all the health issues, but I figure if it keeps you from wanting to snack on other goodies, than it's got to be better for you, right?!

P.S. Cute new banner. You're becoming quite the techno-savvy blogger.

nickel... said...

All things in moderation...I think you are good to go!

Plus, visits with you just aren't the same without the Sonic I'm glad your back with us! :)

There...all four of us commented to!

Grandpa and Grandma Roundy said...

Hmmm? Didn't I tell you kids about the camel who wanted to put his nose in the master's tent because of the sand storm? The master let him, but in the end the camel was all in the tent and the master was out.

What is that all about? I don't know. I just thought of it. I wonder if D.C. is similar to Mtn. Dew Will it turn out the same? Who knows?

Michael said...

Jill...i have been dry now for 3 weeks. there is not a single day...or meal...that I don't think about my pepsi. so..if you see me...go ahead and lie and tell me that you felt better NOT drinking it because i am pretty close to giving up!
