Saturday, February 23, 2008


I could not get this pic to download to the post below.  But I couldn't leave out these two.  Taylor and her friend Kenzi were also along on the rappel outing.  I think they were having a good time.

Friday, February 22, 2008

President's Day

Last Monday, President's Day, Steve took everyone rappelling.  It was the perfect day for it:

This is Mike (married to Susan) and his two boys, Chris and Craig.

Mike with his daughter Brooke
This is Chase
And Steve's sister, Susan.
Try clicking up closer.  Can you see the people in this picture?  Yah, that's Steve's group again.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hailey and Morgan share a room.  Hailey wanted to rearrange the room a few days ago.  I agreed to help her out.  When we moved the bed.....we found this stain.  Morgan started acting nervous and finally confessed to putting an orange popsicle under the bed.....last summer.  This is actually after I tried Spot Shot a few times.  Didn't even budge.  I know Carolyn had some green playdough stain on her carpet.  Did you find something that did the trick?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Taylor!

Yes, she is officially 14!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hey, look what we got!

Lots of snow!

The girls enjoyed their snow at the kitchen table.
I think he likes it!