Monday, October 20, 2008

Fascinating, I know...

My sister Jenifer 'tagged' me.  She also tagged my other blogging sisters.  I don't want to be the only one who flakes out.  So here are the juicy details:

5 with 5 tag
10 years ago
  1. Steve and I were married 9 years
  2. We had 2 kids, with the third on the way
  3. I was working full time
  4. We were living in our home on Larch Court
  5. I was driving a minivan
5 things on today's list
  1. workout
  2. laundry
  3. groceries
  4. get dinner in crockpot
  5. carving pumpkins for FHE
5 snacks
  1. banana bread
  2. microwave popcorn
  3. apple
  4. diet coke
  5. diet coke
5 things I'd do if I were a millionaire
  1. pay off all our debt
  2. go out to dinner
  3. that's it because I would be out of money
5 places I've lived
  1. Las Vegas, NV
  2. Rexburg, ID
  3. Provo, UT
  4. Las Vegas, NV
  5. St. George, UT
5 jobs I've had
  1. Wendy's drive-thru girl (hey-I learned how to count back change the hard way!)
  2. tanning salon girl
  3. lifeguard
  4. RDH
  5. wife to Steve/mother of 4 kids
5 people I'm tagging (umm....I don't know if 5 people, other than my sisters, read my blog)
  1. Harlene
  2. Susan
  3. Cheryl
  4. Hillary
  5. Nikole
Hey, wake up now!  I' m done!  I will be checking on my five tag people...


Harlene said...

Check back on my blog, I'll post a special message re wendy's drive thru just for you.

What is a RDH?

No pumpkin for Pyper?

Hailey said...

RDH=Registered Dental Hygienist

Oh, least one friend will go along with my tag!

Janet said...

I just found your blog and I'm totally going to read it! {It's on my google reader.} :O)

So feel free to tag me {you can refer to my post where I pretty much tagged myself because I had never been tagged...sad, I know}.