Here is Chase. I don't think this counts as a true "rappell". Just a scarey walk down a cliff holding a little rope.
This looks as if we just waded thru.....this was only a baby one. Most of them we could not touch the bottom and truly swam across as fast as we could because it was beyond cold!

This is Taylor....she was a trooper!
You guys are becoming quite the adventurers! Was this a church thing or just a bunch of you going out for the weekend - looks fun. You cracked me up in the wading through the water picture. By looking at your face you would never know the water was freezing! :-)
The pictures turned out great. Thanks for having me.
Wow you were quick to blog! Looked like fun, but I have to say I am ok with not going. Look at my blog about the Modbe party, I think you would like their stuff. Anyways I will bring by an invite also.
Heee heee heee hee. That was funny and looked like tons of fun, kind of.
The Snavely's are impressed! Mark said he wants to come next time...and you will all want to borrow his wetsuit when he does because it actually keeps the water out.
The Snavely's are impressed! Mark said he wants to come next time...and you will all want to borrow his wetsuit when he does because it actually keeps the water out.
The Beckstrand's are impressed as well. Chris could bring his wetsuit too, although it is not a pretty site. He had it fitted before his mission, and usually only wears it to traumatize the kids.
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